Depending on your needs here are other resources that can support you in your journey.
Emergency or immediate danger
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact your local police or call 9-1-1.
Not sure? Learn when should you call 9-1-1 and what happens when you call.
You can reach this toll-free, confidential helpline to access safe emergency shelter, counselling programs, and various treatment and healing services in British Columbia and the Yukon. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call 711 – TELUS IP Relay is available for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have difficulty with speech.
Mental health resources
Vancouver Coastal Mental Health
Website: https://www.vch.ca/en
Phone: 604-675-3710
Bounce Back Program
Website: https://cmha.bc.ca/
Phone: 1-866-639-0522
Mood Disorders Association of BC
Website: https://mdabc.net/
Phone: 604-873-0103 ext. 2
Counselling (affordable/no cost)
Moving Forward Family Services
Website: https://movingforward.help/
Phone: 877-485-5025
Email: hello@movingforward.help
Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC
Website: https://anhbc.org/
Phone: 604-875-9111
Email: central@anhbc.org
Family Services of Greater Vancouver
Website: https://fsgv.ca/
Phone: 604-874-2938 ext. 4141
Email: contactus@fsgv.ca
Cameray Child & Family Services (Burnaby)
Website: https://www.cameray.ca/
Phone: 604-436-9449
Email: info@cameray.ca
SUCCESS (Individual and Family Counselling)
Website: https://successbc.ca/
Phone: 604-684-1628
Email: info@success.bc.ca
Oak Counselling
Website: http://www.oakcounselling.org/
Phone: 604-266-5612
Qmunity (LGBTQ2S+)
Website: https://qmunity.ca/get-support/counselling/
Phone: 604-684-5307 ext. 100
Counselling (trauma and addictions)
Crime Victims Assistance Program
Victim Link BC
Phone: 1-800-563-0808 (available 24/7)
Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre
Website: https://www.salalsvsc.ca/
Phone: 604-255-6344
Addictions Services, Vancouver Coastal Health
Website: https://www.vch.ca/en
Phone: 604-675-3710
Youth support/services
Youth in BC – Crisis Chat
Website: https://youthinbc.com/
For ages: 12-24 years old
Crisis Centre BC
Chat: https://crisiscentrechat.ca/
Phone: 604-872-3311
For ages: 25+
Society for Children and Youth of BC
Website: https://scyofbc.org/
Phone: 778-657-5544
Big Brothers and Big Sisters
Website: https://bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/
Phone: 1-800-263-9133
Boys and Girls Club (BGC)
Website: https://www.bgcbc.ca/
Phone: 604-879-6554
Email: info@bgcbc.ca
Youth Against Violence Line
Website: http://www.youthagainstviolenceline.com/
Phone: 1-800-680-4264
Parent Support Services Society of BC
Website: https://www.parentsupportbc.ca/
Phone: 1-877-345-9777
Parents Legal Centre
Website: https://legalaid.bc.ca/
Phone: 604-408-2172
Family Smart
Website: https://familysmart.ca/
Phone: 1-855-887-8004
Legal support
Legal Aid BC
Website: https://legalaid.bc.ca/
Phone: 604-408-2172
RISE Women’s Legal Centre
Website: https://womenslegalcentre.ca/
Phone: 604-451-7447
BC Society of Transition Houses directory
Website: https://bcsth.ca/directory-of-member-programs-services/
Find a Settlement Agency Near You
Website: https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/services/index.asp